
7 men’s health facts you need to know

As men, we take great pride in our masculinity. We want to appear strong, confident and healthy, but often we somewhat ignore the steps that contribute towards those feelings.

Such as our health. Typically, many of us avoid the GP for as long as possible, even when we sense there could be a problem. Thankfully, in recent years, the awareness of male health and mental health has increased, allowing us to open up about these concerns.

And so, I’m here to help raise further awareness of men’s health issues that may otherwise slip under the radar. With so many facts around, we could be here all day! But to get you started, here are seven men’s health facts you need to know:

1. Feelin’ those balls is important

men's health facts

Research has shown that a scary number of men don’t know how to check their balls properly. Plus, that doesn’t even mean that men are checking them when they do know how to.

Checking your balls regularly only takes a minute or two, but can quickly help you to detect abnormalities. When you’re more familiar with the look, feel and shape of your testicles, you’ll be able to notice any changes early.

Best carried out in the shower or just after, here’s your easy-step-guide for feelin’ those balls:

  • Stand in front of a mirror where possible, so you can see as well as feel what you’re doing
  • Start with one testicle, gently rolling it between your fingers and thumbs
  • Don’t forget to feel the underside of the scrotum
  • Complete this self-examination on the other testicle

Remember, this type of self-check shouldn’t hurt or feel uncomfortable in any way. If you do notice it is quite tender or you do feel pain during the examination, see your doctor as soon as you can.

Here’s what you need to take notice of:

  • Any sort of lump or swelling in the testicles
  • Change in size or shape
  • Any changes in the consistency or feel of the testicles

2. Friendships are key

We all love a little alone time, but it’s just as important to hang out with friends. These friendships can help you to build strength and self-confidence, as well as give you the opportunity to have fun, talk about any problems and laugh off a heavy week.

Of course, busy work schedules, other priorities and family commitments can often get in the way – with many of us not having as much ‘man’ time as we really should have.

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I’m here to tell you, time with other guys, whether male family members or friends is super important. It doesn’t have to be elaborate plans, either. Whether a quick drink after work, time together at the gym or simply chilling out at home – spending time with friends is a great act of looking after yourself.

3. It’s good to open up

As mentioned above, having solid friendships plays a key role in your overall wellbeing. If you’ve got something on your mind, however trivial it may seem, discussing it with a family member or friend can help alleviate your concerns.

No matter how small it may seem, talking about your worries and stresses is key to looking after your mental health. While some of us find it easier to discuss our stresses with a stranger, many of us prefer to talk to a trusted friend or family member.

As men, we’re good at hiding our problems and worries – but we don’t need to!

4. Your mental health needs exercise

exercise and edAs well as helping you keep your body in good working order, your mental health also benefits from regular exercise. Hitting the gym, going out for a run or doing a home bodyweight workout can improve physical strength, alleviate joint and muscle stiffness and help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Plus, we’ve all heard of ‘endorphins’ right? Otherwise known as the happy hormone, exercise gets those endorphins flowing, making a big impact on your quality of life and mood.

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Unsure about heading to the gym? Exercise such as yoga can easily be done at home, during virtual classes and even over apps with friends.

5. Getting your prostate checked is important

men's health facts

Much like checkin’ those balls, many of us avoid getting our prostate checked. Unfortunately, few cases of prostate cancer are detected early, since so many of us avoid going to the doctor.

But when should you get your prostate checked? It is recommended that men have regular prostate check-ups from 50 years of age, with men of African or Caribbean ancestry should receive regular check-ups from 45.

Early detection and diagnosis can significantly improve your prostate or testicular cancer prognosis. So, don’t be afraid guys, get checked.

6. No man’s junk is exactly the same

As men, we all naturally worry about our junk. Is it supposed to look that way? Does it feel right? Does it work as it should? The truth is, our junk (and our erections) differ from one guy to the next.

When it comes to down there, there is no one-size-fits-all. So, if you find yourself concerned about morning glory, or not being unable to get hard again right after sex – you’re not alone.

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These feelings are totally valid and totally normal.

7. You can naturally increase your sex drive

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There are a variety of factors that can impact your testosterone levels, including your weight, diet and general health.

Thankfully, you don’t have to go to extreme measures to increase your testosterone levels and libido. In fact, there are a bunch of ways to naturally boost your T (and your sex drive), including these 11 foods, and these fruits that help you fight back against erectile dysfunction.

But it doesn’t stop there. Male Extra’s 100% natural formula won’t be found in any other product on the market, giving you bigger, harder erections, better orgasms and more sexual stamina.

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