
Why different positions and better sex will improve your health

It’s totally normal for our sex lives to change over time. We discover we like different things, life gets busy and partners change. All in all, plenty of things can throw a spanner in the works!

But what makes a great sex life? Would you rather frequent shorter sex sessions or fewer longer moments of lust?

Well, the thing is, knowing what makes a great sex position is pretty subjective. What one guy loves may be a total turn off to another. Either way, we’re about to dive head first (oo-err!) into why spicing up your sex life will improve your health.

Beware, it’s about to get a little raunchy.

Why trying new things will benefit your health

Trying out new things and sex positions with a partner isn’t, well, new. Let’s face it, there’s a reason why the Kama Sutra is still talked about some 2,400 years after it was first created.

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A varied, exciting sex life has a whole world of benefits, both physical and mental – as well as being fun of course. Getting hot and heavy regularly boost your levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights off infection. But that’s not all.

Regular sex also contributes towards higher quality sleep, as well as making your blood pressure less reactive to stress. But there’s even more… Getting down and dirty on a regular basis has also been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, according to a huge study by the New England Research Institute.

The importance of keeping things… Spicy

In addition to the health benefits, there is another reason – perhaps an even more convincing one – why it’s important to try some fresh sex positions every now and then. For most people, their sex lives can start to kinda… Get boring.

We’re all busy, tired and sometimes, to be honest, we get a little bored. There is no shame in saying that. This happens especially when you have been with your partner for a long time.

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The good news? Not only does sex make us feel great, but it’s also a bonafide relationship booster. Yep, those warm fuzzy feelings post-sex is actually a sexual afterglow, lasting up to 48 hours, according to research.

If you feel as though your sex life has fallen off a cliff – There are plenty of ways to give your time between the sheets a shakeup! Here are our top sex positions to try this year.

The top sex positions for 2023

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Looking for something new to try with your partner? You’re going to love these.

Here are my top 5 favorite sex positions to really spice things up.

The Pretzel

The position:

With your partner lying on her left side, kneel and straddle her left leg. For some extra grip, bend her leg around your waist for extra-deep penetration.

Why this move:

With the right grip and motion, The Pretzel frees up your hands. Make the most of it! Tease her with your fingers and watch her body respond to how you move.

Difficulty: 4/10

Snow Angel

The position:

Now, this sex position is certainly a challenging one. With your partner lying on her back, straddle her while facing the other way. Keep her legs lifted and wrapped around your back, elevating her pelvis.

If you need a little extra omphh, try popping a pillow underneath her lower back. She can also grab your backside to guide you in.

Why this move:

While it may feel like a game of Twister, it’s definitely a fun one. If you fancy a challenge, this move is for you.

Difficulty: 10/10

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The Lotus

The position:

It’s time for a little bedroom yoga… But thankfully, this one isn’t quite as confusing as the Snow Angel! For this one, you can either sit with your legs crossed or keep them stretched out in front of you, while she straddles you on top. Wrap her legs around your back for extra closeness and her arms around your neck.

Why this move:

Slow and sensual, you can experience deep penetration without arriving too early, while the rocking and grinding movements will stimulate her clitoris and put your partner in control.

Difficulty: 6/10

Golden Arches

The position:

Sit on the bed with your legs out straight, leaning your weight back onto your hands. Have her straddle you with her knees bent and feet on either side of your hips.

Why this move:

After the thigh straddle, this is a great position to transition into. She’s in full control here, and you’ve got a great view.

Difficulty: 4/10

Magic Mountain

The position:

Sit on the bed, facing one another with your legs bent. Lean back, putting your weight on your hands and forearms, gradually shifting closer to one another until you’re ready to enter.

Why this move:

It’s pretty intense, plus you get a great view. Oh, and she’ll be in a great position to grind against your pelvis, stimulating her clitoris.

Difficulty: 4/10

Ready to get frisky?

These sex positions will certainly get your heart racing!

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