
Want a Thicker Penis? Read Our Guide to Find Out How

Thicker penis

Many men are concerned about how to get a thicker penis. Whether or not the verdict is out regarding women’s preferences for penis size (which it’s not), it can be an issue of self-esteem and self-confidence for men. Having a bigger penis, at the end of the day, makes you feel good.

When talking about penis size, a lot of dudes tend to speak about length. It’s more common to hear about inches of length than it is to hear about inches in diameter. A long penis, in other words, is more commonly discussed than a thick penis.

However, the thickness (or girth) of your penis is at least as important as it’s length. What’s the point of a long penis if there’s no thickness to it? On the other hand, if men have a short penis, many women say that there’s no problem if it has a good thickness.

In this article, we’re going to talk about whether or not the thickness of your penis is actually that important, and provide some tips on how to increase penis girth.

Why you shouldn’t worry about the girth of your penis

There have been a number of studies that have shown that women don’t care about the length or shape of your penis.

But, as a guy, you know that studies aren’t necessarily everything. Who are the women that they polled? What kind of penises were they used to? How did the guys who owned those penises use them?

There are a million reasons that could cause you to worry about how to get a thicker dick. But that doesn’t mean that you have to.

The ultimate thing, in this case, is to make sure that you know how to use your penis. This is especially true if you’re actually in a loving relationship: as long as you can use your hands, fingers, tongue, or anything else to make sure that your lady’s happy, then she’s not really going to care about the girth of your penis.

But, regardless of that, sometimes it’s still nice to have a huge penis. It’s a guy thing, right? That’s why we’re still going to provide you with tips that you can use to make sure that you have a thick member.

How to gain the appearance of having a thicker penis

three mushrooms on a white paper towel

One of the coolest things about having a penis is that you can basically shape it. This is what’s known as manscaping – it allows you to make your penis look larger without actually needing it to be larger.

There are a few manscaping techniques that you can use to make your junk look a bit bigger than it actually is.

Shaving your pubic hair

Shaving your pubes is one of the best ways to make your penis look bigger. In fact, just shaving off your pubes makes your junk look at least an inch larger – a pretty impressive feat for a minimal amount of effort.

Most people shave their pubes to make their penis look longer, but they often underestimate the way that it can make their penis look wider. If you shave your pubes, the base of your penis – which is the thickest part – becomes more visible. This, in turn, makes your entire package look significantly bigger.

Losing weight

Losing weight is another one of the best ways to improve the size of your penis. If you’re overweight and have a huge belly, chances are it’s going to be hanging over your penis. Not only does this overshadow the actual size of your junk, it’s not great for self-esteem.

Losing a bit of weight can be one of the best ways for you to make your penis look bigger. It might not physically increase the length or girth of your penis, but it certainly extends the amount of penis that is actually visible.

This means that you’ll be able to see more of your penis when you’re looking in the mirror or when you’re in the shower. It also means that any of the ladies that you’re with are going to be able to see more of your penis.

One of the best forms of exercise for anyone hoping to lose weight is cardio. Cardiovascular exercise is basically anything that gets your heart rate faster. When your heart’s beating faster, your body burns through your glucose stores (carbs) faster. Once your body burns through carbs, it starts to burn fat as an energy source.

Getting fitter

The next step towards getting a healthier, bigger penis is to get fit. Of course, if you’re overweight, the first thing that you’re going to want to do is shed those extra pounds. But after you’ve done that, the next thing for you to do is to get fit.

Getting fit can mean a lot of things, but it generally means that you have a healthy, toned, and muscular body. There are a number of reasons that this could benefit the size of your penis.

Firstly, being fit means that your body has a healthy cardiovascular system. This is the system that brings blood and oxygen throughout your body – both of which are necessary for anyone hoping to get a solid, strong, and rock-hard erection.

If you have a healthy cardiovascular system, it’ll be a lot easier for you to sustain some serious erections. These will make your penis both longer and harder.

How to increase penis girth using tools and techniques

erection pump or a penis pump on a white background

If you’re wondering how to make your penis thick, but don’t want to engage your determination or discipline, then fear not: there are lots of ways that you can go about doing this. Some of these techniques are safer than others.

Penis pumps

Penis pumps can actually be quite useful for helping to enhance the girth of your penis. Austin Powers was right (though the benefits might not be as drastic as the movie led us to believe!)

Penis pumps work because they help to create negative pressure in the genital region. This causes your penis to swell up. If you only use a penis pump once or twice, then this swelling will be temporary – however, doing it over the long-term will cause the actual tissues in your penis to swell up.

The problem with penis pumps is that a lot of them are not certified and can actually do serious damage to your penis. If you’re going to use a penis pump, then you should try to find one that’s been approved by a doctor.


Jelqing is a technique that works in a similar manner to using a penis pump, the main difference being that it’s not so hard to push your body beyond its natural capabilities.

A basic jelqing procedure (known as a jelq) can be done by wrapping your thumb and forefinger around the base of your mostly-erect penis. You’re basically trying to tighten around the girth at the base of your penis and pull it towards the tip.

In theory, this will help to stretch the tissues in the penis in the same way that using a penis pump does, eventually leading to you having a huge penis head.

Penile extenders

Penile extenders are one of the ways to enhance the length of your penis, and some people have even found that they can significantly increase their girth by using penile extenders. Some penis stretchers have been proven to be effective at increasing flaccid penis length.

A stretcher works by attaching to both ends of the penis and creating tension between the two ends, which stretches out the tissues in between the base and the tip. As you can imagine, this is great for enhancing flaccid penis length but might not do much for overall girth or erect penis length.

Other ways to get a thicker penis

If you don’t have the time or determination to get a thicker penis by using one of the above techniques, you’re not out of choices yet. There are a couple more serious options that you can use if you want to bulk up the girth of your penis.

Penis surgery

One of the new ways for enhancing the girth of your penis is a form of surgery for penile girth enhancement.

As you can imagine, this type of surgery is designed in a manner that helps to stretch the width of your penis. The surgeons will do this by inserting a piece of silicon, known as a penuma, into your penis.

The penuma mimics the shape of the two main tissues in your penis, the corpus cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum. Inserting the silicone will simulate a larger size for these two issues, enhancing your overall girth.


Using liposuction to enhance the girth of your penis is now a possibility, though it’s a bit disturbing when you consider the procedure.

As you probably know, liposuction is a procedure that is used to help draw excessive fat out of the body.

In the case of liposuction for penis enlargement, fat is taken from the abdomen. Then, the stem cells are extracted from half of this fat. These stem cells are then added to the remaining fat, which is injected into the penis in much the same way that a penuma would be.

This can stimulate the enlargement of the penis.

How Male Extra can help with penis size

If you want to really maximize the size of your penis, the best thing that you could do is to combine some sort of supplement with any of the above exercises. MaleExtra is one of the best supplements for this.

The reason for this is because of the powerful, natural ingredients found in MaleExtra. These ingredients have been used in traditional medicine systems for thousands of years to help enhance the size, shape, and function of the penis.

Some of the most powerful ingredients include:

  • L-arginine, a powerful amino acid that produces nitric oxide for your body. Nitric oxide is an incredibly valuable compound that allows the blood vessels in your body to dilate, encouraging blood flow to your penis.
  • Zinc is one of the most important nutrients for sexual health, and helps to restore levels of testosterone. This can help you maintain an erection, which can pave the way for performing techniques like jelqing.
  • Pomegranate is a powerful food supplement that is known to enhance sexual health and function in men.
  • Cordyceps is a powerful herb that’s known as an adaptogen. It has shown a great amount of potential for helping to enhance sexual function among men.


Having a longer, thicker penis can be a sense of confidence and security for many men. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can certainly learn how to enhance the girth of your penis within a few weeks’ time.

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