
6 ways to make it hot!

Making sex hotter

Do you know what’s special about the 9th of June?

It’s National Sex Day, that’s what’s special!

So to celebrate the most magical day of the year (9th of June, “6/9”, get it?) we lined up some of the best ways to make IT hotter than ever.

These ways are trialed and tested (by yours truly) and they are guaranteed to spice things up. Try them out and drive your partner WILD!

Time to make today the best National Sex Day ever; better stock-up on lube and condoms my friend!


1 – Honor the number

We couldn’t go without putting this one on top of the list. Whether you’ve tried it before or you are still a 6/9 virgin, it’s time to get naked and get on it (and on each other).

Position 69 is one of the most commonly practiced positions, mostly just because it’s such a fun one to try.

To make the most of it, first make sure that the woman is on top. This not only makes the woman’s mouth-work easier, but it also prevents you from squashing her.

If it’s two girls or two guys, you just want to make sure the skinniest one is on top. It’s simple gravity, my friend…

Regardless of how you work out the logistics: have fun, and do this special day the justice it deserves!

Oh, and if you feel bored with the classic 69 sex position, you can try and do it standing up to add some action to it.


2 – Turn it around

If you thought we literally turned it around with position 69, then wait till you read this one…

It’s time to change who does what in this relationship. Time to switch roles!

How, you wonder? Well, how about trying to be on the receiving end for a change?

Recently, pegging has been quite the hype, and what better day to try it than on National Sex Day!


Yes, I know, it sounds scary. As a guy myself, I remember how weird I felt the first time my girlfriend and I tried it. How awkward I felt at first as she commanded me to turn around on hands and knees while she got the strap-on ready…

Thing is though, there’s a reason why it’s a hype.

There’s a reason why so many couples give it a try, and why so many men are actually enjoying it as well. Not to mention how nice it must be for your partner to be on the giving end for a change!

Sometimes, you just gotta suck it up and give her what she wants as well. Sex is for the both of you, you know?!

Hey, and even if you don’t end up liking it, there’s no harm in trying, right?


3 – Play your part

Honestly, this one might be even more difficult for me than pegging…

I am not an actor, not in the slightest. Aside from a one-time appearance in the school play (I played a damn good tree) I have never been the acting type of guy.

So when I first tried role play, I was absolutely shit at it.

I didn’t know what character to pick, I started putting on a funny voice, and even though we did end up rolling on the floor, it was nothing sexy, just laughing…


But the thing is, once you get the hang of it and get past the awkwardness, a world of joy awaits you on the other side!

You can play out whatever fantasy you have. Whether it’s asking your girlfriend to dress up as Princess Leia (classic) or that she asks you to be Indiana Jones, the options are endless.

But before you start buying loads of weird costumes and write an entire screenplay, you might want to start with one of the most popular ones around: act like you’re strangers.

Just think about how fun it is to go on a first date again, and end it with a passionate one-night stand!


4 – Be creative

Trying new positions is always fun!

If you’re new to this a good start is to buy a copy of the Kama Sutra – or google it, but I prefer to be a bit old school – to get some inspiration.

You’ll find the classics, but you’ll also find the weirdest (and most physically challenging) sex positions you’ve come across.

Once you’ve worked your way through the Kama Sutra (congrats!) you will be skilled enough to come up with your own freaky positions!

Check also: The best ways to encourage your partner to want more sex >>


5 – Go shopping

You give each other presents when it’s a Birthday, so why not give each other something for National Sex Day?

There are basically two options here.

Either you go to the sex shop together and pick out whatever you both want to try out that year, or (my personal favorite) you both buy something separately and whip it out as a surprise during the night.

Imagine the joy on her face when you come up with a surprise toy!


6 – Help yourself

Whether you are in a relationship or single, it doesn’t matter, on National Sex Day you should celebrate your own sexual side by having a long, slow, sweet solo session.

Light some candles, cast Pornhub directly to your TV or go old school with magazines; whatever you prefer, make sure to make it a good one and really treat yourself the best way you can!

Oh, and if you want to incorporate your other half in it that works great as well. Ever watched while your girlfriend was making herself come?

Trust me, there’s nothing quite like it!


And there you have it, ladies and gentleman, six trialed and tested ways to really make things hot again.

Just one more free tip to give you, before I leave you kids to it, is to try spicing it up by using Male Extra to enhance your member and give your girlfriend the BEST sex day of her life!

Enjoy National Sex Day!

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