
9 things you didn’t know about your junk

As men, there are always new things we can learn about our bodies – and that includes our junk. While you may know what your dick looks and feels like, how much do you really know about it?

Well, the time has come to top up your knowledge. Here are 9 things you didn’t know about your junk. Get learning, my friend.

1. Your junk needs exercise

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This may just sound like another reason to have sex (as if we need one, really), but it’s true, you need to have regular erections in order to keep your dick in shape. Essentially, it needs some exercise.

No, I’m not talking about swinging kettlebells from your balls at the gym. But don’t be annoyed by morning wood or awkward boners, since that rush of blood to cause an erection is well needed.

However, I’m also not encouraging you to rub one out in a toilet stall at work… Thankfully for us, the brain has a somewhat automatic cock maintenance function, triggering erections while you sleep (during the REM phase).

Also Read: How to keep your penis healthy

Whether you wake up with a hard on a couple of times a week or every day, it’s totally normal. It also doesn’t mean you’re necessarily having a sex dream – since the brain encourages your dick to exercise in this way during the REM cycle.

2. Being a ‘Grower’ or a ‘Show-er’ is totally normal

Penis length

Let’s face it, not every dick is the same. From balls to girth, to visible veins, color and shape, they’re all pretty damn unique. And that also goes for how big you are.

For some dudes, they let it all hang out, with little growth when they get hard. I mean, how much bigger can they honestly get, really. On the flip side, if you feel like you’re a definite ‘grower’ that’s totally normal, too. From totally soft to standing to attention, in one study of 80 men these lengths ranged hugely (no pun intended) – from a quarter-inch all the way up to 3.5 inches added.

There is no one way to be. While a quick scroll online will undoubtedly tell you about some rock-hard 10-incher, studies have revealed that the average length of an erect penis is actually more likely to be between 5.1 and 5.5 inches. So, whether you’re a ‘show-er’ with little extra growth or a ‘grower’ packing a few inches of growth, both are totally normal.

3. The underside is incredibly sensitive

Although every guy is different, the underside of the glans (head) and shaft are often considered the ultimate pleasure zone. According to research, a study of 81 men rated the underside of the shaft and head as the most sensitive part of their junk – when asked to rate sensitive areas of their bodies, from their junk to their neck (and beyond).

Also Read: How to Enlarge Your Penis – Discover What Actually Works

This rating was shortly followed by the upper side of the head, left/right side of the head, sides of the penis, the upper side of the shaft and foreskin.

If you’ve been taking these areas for granted, it may be time to mix up your strategy for maximum pleasure.

4. Sensitivity changes as we get older

Now we know where is the most sensitive, let’s talk about how this changes as we age. Research has shown that your junk loses sensitivity as you get older, however, it is difficult to determine by how much. This inconclusive result is mainly due to the different techniques researchers have used in order to stimulate a guy’s junk.

As men, we notice hormonal changes as we get older, as testosterone starts to naturally decline, however, we may not necessarily notice a trend in junk sensitivity. With studies varying greatly, there is no set age for a guy to notice these changes.

However, despite these differences, data has shown that this sensitivity can decline from the age of 25, with a sharper drop around the age of 65 to 75. So don’t worry just yet, guys, these are very gradual changes you probably won’t even notice.

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5. Dudes can enjoy vibrators too

When we think of vibrators, it’s common to think of women enjoying them. But it doesn’t have to stop there. Yep, they work pretty well on your junk, too. In fact, they can be so effective that men with spinal cord injuries have utilized special medical vibrators in order to ejaculate.

Whether you want to introduce a cock ring in your sex sessions or experiment with vibrators themselves, there is plenty of fun to be had.

6. Your junk is bigger than you think it is

things you didn't know about your penis

No, I’m not talking about some sort of optical illusion, but your junk is actually twice as long as you may think. This is because half of its length is actually tucked inside your pelvis, attached to your pubic bone.

Yep, your dick is a boomerang shape.

7. Your dick has its own habitat

Hear me out on this one…

Our bodies are home to all kinds of bacteria, and your junk is no exception. This is because the skin of your penis is home to a diverse community of bacteria, with studies revealing there are 52 unique kinds of bacteria hiding down below.

Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About The Shape Of Your Penis

Essentially, the human body is an ecosystem – but this can differ (junk wise) between guys that are circumcised and those that aren’t. Think of being circumcised like clear-cutting a forest – you’re naturally going to get more light down there, changing the environment considerably, with fewer kinds of bacteria found on circumcised dicks.

8. Not all men are circumcised

Following on from my previous point, not all guys are circumcised. In fact, most men aren’t. According to a 2007 report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS, around 30% of men aged 15+ are circumcised.

This range can vary greatly according to religion and nationally, the report claims, with nearly all Jewish and Muslim men circumcised, accounting for nearly 70% of all circumcised men across the globe.

9. The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds

Unlike women, our orgasms are relatively short in duration. On average, the male orgasm lasts for around 6 seconds, while women can enjoy an orgasm for (on average) 23 seconds.

Crazy, huh?

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